[암호화폐 자동매매] pip install ta-lib 설치오류 해결

ta-lib 설치 실패시 참조 사항



[조치 순서]


Download ta-lib-0.4.0-msvc.zip and unzip to C:\ta-lib.

This is a 32-bit binary release. If you want to use 64-bit Python, you will need to build a 64-bit version of the library. Some unofficial instructions for building on 64-bit Windows 10 or Windows 11, here for reference:

Download and Unzip ta-lib-0.4.0-msvc.zip

Move the Unzipped Folder ta-lib to C:\

Download and Install Visual Studio Community (2015 or later)

Remember to Select [Visual C++] Feature

Build TA-Lib Library

From Windows Start Menu, Start [VS2015 x64 Native Tools Command Prompt]

Move to C:\ta-lib\c\make\cdr\win32\msvc

Build the Library 

> nmake

위 과정을 수행하고 "pip install ta-lib" 수행하면 설치가 됩니다. 핵심은 C++ Build Tools를 설치하고 ta-lib가 의존하는 파일을 컴파일하는 것입니다.


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